
By CharlotteJ

Its good to talk!

My mum messaged me last night (Oz time) to let me know that the doctor was making a house visit to my Dad as Dad really was not very well and not able to get to the doctors but not poorly enough for hospital care and that she would let me know over night what the doctor said. 

Mum text me at 5:30am asking when I was awake to give her a call, Dad was 'ok' but she wanted to chat over what the dr had said.
At 6:30 (i never heard the text come through), I took a cuppa out to the deck and called mum.  The sunrise was outstanding, I don't think I have ever made a call to such an amazing scene.
Dad is unwell and is ordered complete bed rest.  The dr has run some more blood tests to check red and white blood count and for a few other bits but he didn't say what else he was checking.  Dad is very anemic and they, for now, are trying iron tablets.  If that does not work then they will consider other options.  they also want to check other bits so they are arranging a colonoscopy.  The dr also arranged for START to visit (they came same day) and see what help and support is required - this is music to my ears!    They have already put a few bits and bobs into place (of a personal nature) and will go every other day to bath Dad and will continue to assess for the next few weeks.    Dad is not happy about a few of those personal items that he now requires as he is a very proud man, but as I said to Mum some things are just not negotiable anymore for him.
Anyway, we will see what happens but it was good to chat and watch the beautiful sunrise, I know Dad would have loved seeing it too.  This photo will be printed and sent to mum (mum doesn't do computers!!) 

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