Gitama's World

By Gitama

A Bit Wet

I have to say..hanging out with another photographer is just the best.
Unfortunately my friend C is going off to travel in the desert in a few weeks so we wont be seeing each other for some time.

A bit of a strong wave came in catching me unawares and I got rather wet and soggy getting this...I think I just paddled out off my little island just in time.

I did collar some bloke (James) who was taking pics and asked him if there were any photography clubs around...he was from Brisbane though...a Storm Chaser.....we pried some valuable info out of him......about lightning shots and the best settings.
(There was another photographer that jumped up on the rocks for his shots.....a rather good looking chappie....we laughed about not getting the pic of him taking off his shirt as the water was spraying up...very ummmm artistic).

Not to worry though I am going to have a blip stay over/pyjama party with Jen over the weekend...I'm looking forward to that.

Well as usual when I go for those sunset shot with the stupid daylight saving the time I get home upload the pics choose and fiddle...its already very late and time for bed. It always feels so good being out there though.

“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this.”
Henry David Thoreau

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