A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Damp and Derelict

A wet walk this morning but we stuck mainly to the woods in the St Ives estate.

Enjoyable despite the rain but not much in the way of blip opportunities.

One the lower path on the way back to the car park we pass this derelict building and it occurred to me that I could use it for derelict Sunday. The front of the building has a warning sign on it saying Danger unsafe building and it is fenced off from the path. I chose this angle as it shows that it once had windows.

There are others in the estate in equally bad repair but one which sold a year or two ago is on the point of being completed as a new and very large dwelling. There was an old derelict building (reputedly a kennels) and a run down walled garden. I always thought of it as a 'secret garden' and it had a rickety old gate. There is nothing rickety about it now it is going to be a huge dwelling.

I suspect nothing will ever be done about this derelict building as there is no road access. Sadly I don't know what it's original use was and it will just get worse and worse, not many stone built buildings like this anymore.

Pilates soon and then pub later, busy day Wednesday.

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