
By Cigs

Newhaven Road

I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour. I remember a 
blipper  of considerable repute telling me of a Cigs just across the road from his work. I acknowledged this piece of intelligence then showed a considerable lack of it by not finding it for another 11 months..... And even then it was the elder Ciglette son who squealed 'Cigs' last Sunday as we drove off to B & Q for some black spray paint (purely in the name of research, you understand)

So I got my people to send his people his finders fee (in accordance with Directive EU / 2011 / 76 /EC on Blip Copyright). But he insisted on 'cash only'. Oh well. So I said I'd deliver it personally in a brown envelope, low denomination notes on the corner of Bonnyhaugh and Newhaven Road at 1330 hours.

I had to make sure he was alone so staked out the RV; having made sure there were no undercover agents hiding in the laurel, I duly made the drop off. This is one of the surveillance shots from my wing man, hiding up the road, disguised as a bin (with Cigs on it, obviously...)

Money well spent. And tax deductible, too. (After VAT) God bless the EU.

**Next up on Pro Celebrity blipping? I've going to get my people to speak to LeeAnne and negotiate a fee for Melville Street; there's one on a phone box just behind her work. **

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