Hippo Art
A blur of a day. Hence, probably, the need to backblip. The kids went back to school, which takes away my long interrupted days of working and replaces them with days where I have a permanent sense that I may have left a child somewhere they oughtn't to be.
TallGirl's room renovation continues, with painting. (Limited painting - we are trying to sneak some limited colour in past Mr B.)
Later, Mr B arrived home, opened a bottle of wine and provided another reason not to blip on the day. (Though he was shattered after an alarm clock failure that had him in a Travelodge carpark at 3am wondering where his taxi was - which was booked for 2 hours later. He really needs to get his iPhone replaced....)
This is a picture TallGirl made for me* earlier this holiday. I love it so much that I may even risk drilling into a wall to hang it (normally I leave that kind of stuff to Mr B). In front are some hippos from Senegal (I think). Late night desperation blip...
*By which I mean, a picture she painted, and I happened by her room just when it was finished and guilted her into giving it to me...
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