my first dragonfly...

...right? it is a dragonfly, isn't it?

i was watching the great blue out on my little lake... preening and ignoring me - when i saw a flicker of movement... glanced down and saw this tiny gem... she graced me with several long moments of glorious snapping before flitting away over the water - leaving me breathless with wonder... i didn't think i'd ever be able to get a dragonfly - they are so quick - not willing to accommodate me... but this one - she was a treat for me today and so being captivated it made me curious about the whole meaning of dragonflies... here's some food for thought on representation:

-maturity and a depth of character
-power and poise
-defeat of self created illusions
-focus on living 'in' the moment
-the opening of one's eyes

interesting stuff, isn't it? the lifespan of a dragonfly isn't very long - so it's critical for it to live in the 'now'... how too should i... a wonderful lesson... a dragonfly also has that wonderful iridescence on its wings - iridescence is sometimes associated with the discovery of one's own abilities by unmasking the real self... then removing the doubts we might cast on our own sense of identity - leading to self discovery... you might find it all mumbo-jumbo - i think it's insect fascination - capturing me in a wonderment of...


happy day.....

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