nothing yet of the horrors

I don't recall many such lessons, so I was perhaps spared Business Studies at school through doing German or technology or extra science. Maybe there was an entire term of Conversational Business Rhubarb, priming the pupils who took it to be able to operate effectively in the modern business world without a near-permanent frown at the linguistic atrocities battering their ears from all directions. Whilst I was away downstairs in one of the labs round the north-east corner applying logic to facts those visiting the room along from the library which had once been the well-lit art room but which was refurbished and filled with early computers were having logical tendencies beaten out of them. Maybe I was soldering and drilling and bending bits of acrylic to make PP3 battery holders instead of learning how to edit carefully-worded summaries in order to quickly strip out all the important qualifying statements and caveats prior to forwarding. Presumably the classes which taught analytical skills were not those which encouraged a mastery of delegation.

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