Views of my world

By rosamund


Ok, it might be stretching it to think summer on the Clyde Coast is like the Caribbean but the title refers to the boat - Caribbean Princess. I just caught her leaving as I was out getting a couple of things so I dashed down to the front to see what I could get.

I had hoped to get her before she made it round Gourock pier head as she would be so much closer there but cars kept pulling out in front of me and I was too slow. Instead I made for Cloch Road as the river begins to narrow again away from the mouths of all the lochs as I really wanted to try and capture her scale. I had other shots that did that better but I loved the sky in this one with all the wispy clouds.

Today started early so I could drop Freya at her dad's then I enjoyed a nice solitary coffee and chat on the phone with Auntie C ahead of our visit on Monday. Carlos and I had a nice walk the length of the Esplanade and back, I've always wondered how long a walk that was, my new app tells me it's 2.3 miles or there abouts so that was quite good.

We watched an interesting documentary on the history of ocean liners then Noah came home from his party and sleepover and Carlos went out. Noah and I enjoyed a nice prawn stir fry for dinner then I spent the rest of my evening finishing weaving my linen twill. It was lovely sitting in front of the open window, curtains wafting in the breeze, sun setting, music playing just weaving away.

I'm quite pleased with the finished result, it's hanging up to dry in the bathroom today so hopefully will be able to blip in a day or two once I have it properly finished. I'm planning an overshot runner for my next big project on Bertha but I need to finish spinning the yarn I want to use first. Thank goodness for the holidays and time to do all these things that I love.

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