Life of Tiree

By tireedawson

Behind the scenes

Another big wedding today. And a long drive. We are all tired - me from the photographs, Sam from manning the fort at the full guest house and looking after the kids and ensuring they got to two birthday parties along with relevant presents. It is hard work at the moment. But there is something amazing about weddings. Each one is so different, so special to the people who are part of it, who have spent so many months thinking of all the little details. Who trust me to make sure they have the best record they can have for it for generations to come.

I always think of our wedding when the service takes place. Think of the promises we made and how it felt for me. I quite often end up welling up, which doesn't work out so well for my integral auto-focus button.

Today's was particularly odd in its symmetry - a couple who had known each other since primary school age, been to secondary school together, survived separate universities, been together 9.5 years when they got married, had One More Step Along the World I Go and Jerusalem as their hymns. many similarities. Especially as our anniversary is on Monday. I'm sure I looked very odd singing along and taking photos at the same time at the front of the church, but I felt so happy singing those songs with a big group of happy people again.

Anyway, this is the Green Wall. The venue was very nice, but I was struggling with the lack of blank space for portraits. I like portraits to be about the person, not about what's going on behind them. I think it's a bit of a rut actually, and I'm trying to get out of it. But after checking out the workmans' area through the fire escape, behind the posh hotel, I found a makeshift plywood wall roughly painted green and littered with fag ends and was instantly calmed. I excitedly dragged a slightly confused wedding party there with me. I'm sure everyone thinks I'm mad. Obviously they're wrong.


Oh, and today's couple are now the current holders of the Award for Best First Dance Song

Oh and the bridesmaid on the right was one of my lovely brides too, and is now expecting baby number one :)

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