Stand in

I was supposed to be in Plymouth now at an old colleagues 60th at a Chinese Buffet restaurant. I had printed her card, wrapped her present, showered, dressed, planned a quick stop at Waitrose for essentials, and was looking forward to an evening of good food and catching up with old friends and gossip. Also the chance to take photographs of buildings!!!! Chicken cover was in place and it was all systems go!
Only they didn't, or rather they went the wrong way! Earlier in the day I had an upset stomach which I put down to the aubergines and oil last night, but after sewing up 2 large holes in my cardigan and standing up  I had a whoosh of dizziness which didn't disappear. Hmmm. Plans shelved, texts sent, dry toast for me and an evening watching TV and an early bed. Might explain my lethargy yesterday though which does make me feel better! Good job the sun catching my stolen allotment daffodils had caught my eye during the day or I would have been blipless! 

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