
By hannahstar

Indoor Picnic

Sent off another job application this morning.

Then proceeded to have a great day!! ...

Went to the Sarah's house for 10:30am, then Anna came as well and we went to Bosco in Woodley for brunch. Absolutely scrumptious! Did a bit of shopping and got lunch from Waitrose. 
Back to the house where we just chilled in Sarah's room, doing face masks etc.
Had a very late lunch at about 3pm, on Sarah's bed! .. which included a quick interval to run to the shop for chocolate and me spilling elderflower juice over my socks, jeans and Sarah's bed!!
Watched some of the Book Thief but gave up because it was too noisy (in the house, not that the film was too noisy!)/we couldn't be bothered. So instead just half slept, by which point Beth and Grace had comenwhich meant about 5 people on one bed!

Went to 153 for dinner and Bible study at 6pm. Hardly ate much because we'd already spent most of the day eating!
And had a really good Bible study too. :)

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