If You Could See Me Now



We are finally home - I say finally not because I hated the holiday but purely because it took us 2.5 days to get home.

Stuck in LAX for 26ish hours - we got on the plane and there was 1. a leak and 2. a petrol smell, then got off the plane after a two hour taxi on the runway.

Sleeping on the floor of an airport is now ticked off my bucket list...

Then when we did finally leave we were an hour and a half late, which ment we missed our connecting flight to Christchurch when we got to Sydney.

I saw the same to people in Sydney about 4 times - because they kept telling me to speak to the other person...

We finally got a flight via Auckland with a hand written "coupon" for a flight to Christchurch.

When we got to Auckland, surprise surprise, they had LEFT OUR BAGS IN SYDNEY!

So we spent some time at the baggage claims desk.

Then after accepting we wouldn't have bags for sometime we get to our Christchurch gate - after giving the coupon at the check in desk and getting a legit boarding pass - and they have an intercom warning about fog in Christchurch and the possibility of having to turn around once we get there.

So we're finally about to check in and it turns out our airline WHO SUCK had cancelled our tickets? So we were going to have to sleep in an airport AGAIN and wait for the 6am flight.

At this stage I lost it and burst into loud heaving sobs right in the terminal (hardly any sleep for 2 days...) and had a lovely male flight attendant come and console me and tried everything he could to get us on the flight.

In the end we just showed our "coupon" and got on the flight...

And after he second landing attempt in the fog - landed in Christchurch.

And here we are... Alive and well, but still with no bags...

Oh and me and Nick can't actually live in our house because of leakage in the toilet/laundry/shower... there is no toilet basically....

So we're camping at his Mum's house - hence the photo of their cat Tommy.

It's so good to be back and we should be right by tomorrow - bag wise that is!

Rant over.


You have been warned.

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