It's that time again .....
.... Friends around for a meal and a game or two of Samba/ canasta, this time we won one game each ( pair ) , we would have won both had I not lost concentration half way through. I coped with getting the meal but was almost burnt out by then. Still laughter does you good, and certainly do lots of that. I've just received a phone call from " M " to say she has got back to Eastbourne after a good journey home.
This morning KJD rang about 10.30 am to see if I felt better , I put her mind at rest said I was a tad better, then about half an hour latter she arrived at the door , saying the Rev said I've got to give my mum a hug. How kind is that , hug much appreciated.
I really enjoyed the day but I'm pleased to have cleared up ( almost ) and can now relax!
Happy .... to have such a caring daughter and son- in - law, thank you both .
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