Spring is around the corner

Me, Leevi and Sami had a walk trip on Näsijärvi lake. It was very cloudy when we were on the ice, but when we returned to our car the sun started to shine. So typical! On the ice there is surreal feeling of infiniteness, it's also very silent there - walking on the ice feels great. 

The picture is taken later from Pyhäjärvi lake side of Tampere - there is a significant different on ice thickness between those two lakes. Ice on Näsijärvi is 30 cm thick. There was a huge amount of very noisy seagulls sitting on the edge of the ice - you can see them in the picture if you watch very closely. Spring is coming.

"A big step forward" - improvements were announced in accuracy and range in Europe's weather forecasts:

ECMWF has launched a new model cycle bringing improved global weather forecasts at record-breaking resolution. The new grid on which the forecasts are run comprises up to 904 million prediction points, three times as many as before. Together with other upgrades to ECMWF’s Integrated Forecasting System (IFS), the changes mean that Europe’s weather can now be predicted with more detail, with greater accuracy and, as a result, up to half a day further ahead.

+1°C, cloudy in the morning, sunny in the afternoon

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