Diver Driver

By diverdriver

Led astray.

I had to swing by to Shrewsbury on the way home from a job today to drop off some course paperwork, to deliver some of Mrs DD's chocs to the 'daughters' and maybe call by Waitrose for my free coffee.

As I parked in St Julian's, I sent a message asking simply, "Anyone in?"
Reply from SS, "I'm in".
DD "I'm on my way".
SS "Shall I meet you?! Nag's for a Friday pint!?"
DD "I'm on my way even quicker!!!!"

How easily am I led astray? Then, to make matters worse, Bananablip turns up, snaps a photo of the two of us, complete with drinks, and sends it off to Mrs DD entitled, "Look what I found".

So, in an effort to make amends, we called into Tanners and picked up a favourite wine and a bottle of cider to keep the peace. Unfortunately, when cider was poured with the evening meal, Mrs DD took one taste, made a face and said it tasted like bad medicine!

If it wasn't for the bottle of rosé in the fridge, I could have been in trouble.

All in all, a good day. The sun shone, the temperatures were up and...............I enjoyed the cider!  :) 

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