Last Class Done

Taken at 16.45.
From L to R = one Moroccan, one Irishman, one Finn, one Chinese, one Surinamer and one Iranian.  Four of them speak Dutch.  I'm from The Phil and speak 3 languages -- English, Dutch and Tagalog.

Tired and thankfully no jams on the way home.  Hubby had made some kind of banana concoction which didn't taste but I didn't mind.  Drove him unexpectedly to Breda for one of those imprompty bridge evenings because I thought I'd go out afterwards, but instead I went back home and fell asleep on the couch and woke up just in time to pick him up again, and then it turned out they weren't finished yet so I ended up conking out on 'their' couch, but they are good friends and I felt so comfy.

The lady of the house, B, who is the tournament bridge partner of one of hubby's closest friends, H, who was there as well (we picked him up at his place), bought a copy of my book, which I was happy about, of course.  H's wife, M, now says I have to learn bridge because she is just so enthusiastic but doesn't yet have a real partner for tournaments.  I replied that I wish I had time, as well as inclination, but with so many other hobbies going, this was not going to enter my agenda anytime soon.  Or is it just my anti-social approach to life rearing its 'ugly' head again?  Actually, I'm really not into bridge, although I do listen to hubby when he explains things, and I even understand some of those things, but had I had a choice and the time to back it up, I would have rather played chess.

Oh yea ... the decision of the judge came in the mail late in the afternoon.  It appears that hubby lost because 'there just wasn't enough evidence' to prove that the other party was fibbing.  He'll be allowed to appeal, of course, and hubby always has the option of refusing to sign the papers the siblings want him to sign.  He can never be forced to sign those papers because the siblings never had any legal basis for having them drawn up in the first place.  'Till death shall them part' ...

But it's the weekend now!  And the weather is good.  Hope you're all okay wherever you are.

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