
What a very lovely spring day it has been, after a lovely dog walk we went into town to buy birthday cards and presents ( the next two weeks in March are ever so busy for birthdays) and to evaluate two ice cream places for Will's birthday in April. Will found a card for his best friend that made him laugh so much that another shopping lady had to investigate it further and we had to buy Clare one too. I did have to remind the shopping lady that he was an 8 year old boy so perhaps not to expect too much. Today's ice-cream place was very much style over (expensive) substance. The other (untried but inspected) place gets the nod.

Then a trip to lidl, I bought their artisan gin for a whirl. And then did some cooking and phone chatting. What I haven't done today is open the Cupboard Under the Stairs.

Oh and Daisy hung the washing out ( and helped put the shopping away). All points very worthy of mention, not just for the balmy day.

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