Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Lazy lazy day

A good start to the day - breakfast in bed (avocado on a toasted bagel, my favourite) - then a bit of a relax with Archie until I roused myself to rise much, much later.

JR was a whirlwind of hoovering, washing, changing lightbulbs, then off into town for a wee poke around her favourite shop. We passed it yesterday on the bus, which reminded her. I bought my favourite hat there years ago and it has hardly been off my head since. Today JR got a new woolly hat.

Archie and I settled down on the sofa for my favourite afternoon's TV - two games of rugby. I did see most of the game. When he lay down.

When she came home, there was no rest (she's not keen on rugby) so she took Archie up the Hill. And guess who came running from afar? Bailey!! Bailey has been staying with friends, and so hasn't been near the Hill this week. What excitement! She spotted Archie first, and came belting towards him, barking excitedly.

Started watching the new series of House of Cards last night on Netflix. It's much better than the last series, which we nearly gave up on. I'm managing to continue my lazy sofa day - Medicinal sips of wine, pizza, and House of Cards. This is the life!

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