Blip 1095!!! that's 3 whole years!

What a day! I knew it was my blip birthday today so I was determined to go out and about to try to bring you a good blip to celebrate.
Ethan is doing an Animal care course at the local agricultural collage and today was their 'Lambing live' open day, so that was my first port of call.
It was lovely there, we went for a walk round the animal unit where Ethan does his training, followed by a trip behind a tractor to the working farm to see ewes and newly born lambs. 
I loved this shot of a ewe and her new baby, she just looks so proud (she reminded me of how I felt when I had just given birth) so I decided she deserved to be my birthday blip, but I have also added several extras...
A shot of Willow cuddling one of the hand reared lambs who was especially docile and photogenic, and a tiny lamb stretched out asleep in the straw with a whimsical (almost smiling ) look on it's face.
After lunch I went to see Up Waltham church. a tiny little 12th century church standing high up on the South Downs on the road between Petworth and Chichester up a single track road with no turning space as I found to my horror (i had to reverse the whole way back down again). Such a pretty little church though I have included a shot in extras, I will certainly be going on another visit in the summer. Finally a shot of a lichen growing in a heart which I felt was so appropriate for Blip!
Thank you Blip and all my Blip friends for making the last 3 years so amazing xx

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