
By bananablip

Mellow yellow

OK I stole this picture from an ex-blipper. If he's got a problem then he knows what to do...

(I am not hiding a pregnancy or trying to steal anything in my cardigan, merely showing off the matching yellow vibes).

Today started with an early morning prayer breakfast and then a delicious actual breakfast with the Musketeers. I think CS and TJC had imagined that their Saturday morning dates at the Pantry were going to become delightful opportunities for them to be alone together. They probably shouldn't have introduced SS and myself to Pantry breakfasts.

James then totally led us all astray by being the most enthusiastic shopper ever and somehow, by force of his sheer love of shopping, seemed to make everyone spend a lot of money without doing so himself. I think TJC was the hardest hit but I wonder if he might get a surprise reading his bank statements when the caffeine fog has lifted.

We retreated before we were coerced into spending any more money and I went for a run, purely with the intention of earning some calories for the much talked about pork belly which we have been salivating over all week.

I then had the intention of walking to meet mum and dad, grabbing a coffee and continuing on for a walk but they dragged me into the free bar Tanners for some wine tasting.

Then onto dinner for the much anticipated pork belly accompanied by good wine and wonderful company.

Then some dancing happened.

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