Birds eye view

What a fab day we have had! We went to a bird of prey experience this morning at a farm in Ware - this is an African crowned hawk eagle - the first one bred in captivity apparently. He was just amazing! We were able to fly a kestrel and a Harris hawk and then saw various others including an incredible baby owl, about 5 weeks old, and just a ball of fluff!
After that we went to Rye Meads - an RSPB reserve also in Ware. We has a lovely walk and saw loads of birds but the highlight was watching 2 kingfishers in and out of their burrow and one was just playing around for ages. He caught a fish and took ages to swallow it as it was so big. This was so spectacular to watch. The sun was shining which made their colours appear even more beautiful.
This evening we went to the theatre in Aylesbury to see Private Lives.

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