Gorgeous Goldfinch

A lovely sunny day again with a chilly wind, but it's dry!
I forgot to put bread on again last night, so it was a meander up to the village with the camera. I saw this Goldfinch in the churchyard on top of the out building, searching the gutter for tasty morsels I suspect. I got a few shots but managed to get this closer one when he flew into a nearby tree.
I've been trying for ages to get decent shot of these gorgeous birds but they're normally to high up for the zoom. They have a lovely song too which I normally hear before I see them.

More on Flickr including my first blossom sighting. I'm not sure if it's Hawthorn or Blackthorn, as I can never remember which one comes first.

Mono Monday's theme is week is theme is 'Look Up' in trisharooni's words "that's anything, as long as your camera is pointed skyward.
And please tag Mono Monday, Mono Monday 112, MM112"

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