Lala's Journal

By Lala


A satisfying day. Cars washed, hydrangeas pruned, 2 loads of laundry done and a yomp all the way round the RSPB reserve at Dungeness.

We hadn't intended to yomp round all the way (Mr L's not a lover of walking) but there was very little activity on the lakes at the first couple of hides, and so we continued on to the third and then the fourth. I did manage a shot of a Wigeon, but As Mr L had the DSLR, my powershot just wasn't man enough, it was so far away.

I did offer to carry on the walk myself and meet back up at the Visitor Centre but, no he said he was fine, we were almost half way round anyway. Well, normally we would have been but the trail was closed due to flooding and we had to use the diversion. Suffice to say, that Mr L moaned a lot as we walked a good mile more than we would have done if the trail was open!

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