Seagull/Laurel and Hardy

When I moved allotment I hired a van.  I dug up two of my prized apple trees - the third was too big.  

In line with the pattern of rushing around too much, I didn't really think how I would then get them to the new plot.  They have been sitting outside the house in pots, but of course don't fit in the car.

So, a wheelbarrow trip was planned.  But there was a puncture, and it was too close to the valve, so the traditional method didn't work, and new tubes are hard to come by, so the internet needed to help, and you can't use a modern pump, so a 20-year stored old bicycle pump was unearthed.  

Then, of course, the wheeless barrow was at the allotment, and the wheel at the house. 

So, on the way to rowing at portobello on the bike I dropped off the wheel, then a lovely row, then on the way back I left the bike at the plot and walked home with the wheelbarrow, then loaded up and headed off.  It didn't go too badly, but it was tricky, and came very close to disaster a few times.  On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being Laurel and hardy and 10 being Monty Don, it was probably a 2.  

Lots more besides.  We've had a great weekend, and we're all smugly tired. Better do painting tonight or I'll definitely be snoring by eight.  

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