skye line

By cameraskye

Shades of grey

Woke up a couple of times during the night to hear heavy rain, which did n't bode well for the day to come. Sure enough the day has been a mixture of heavy showers and occasional sunny blinks, not ideal blipping weather so I decided to try out a black and white shot for a change.

This blip is taken down at Sligachan and shows the path that leads through to Loch Courisk and also through to Camusunary. Despite the less than brilliant weather there were still a few hardy souls setting out along the path. The place is busy at the moment with visitors as the Glamaig Hill Race was on yesterday where runners attempt to tackle the 2,543 ft peak, it is not a race for the faint hearted and luckily, although the weather was less than perfect in the morning, it did clear up by the afternoon so that the race could take place. Not sure whether the people that enter the race are foolhardy or very brave, I have yet to walk up Glamaig, never mind run up it!

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