A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

A few of my favourite things

Perhaps an occasional series...anyway, blue skies and travel would be on the list.

As of course would be my family, our dog and our friends. Which segues me nicely from my morning dog walk (when this was taken) to the rest of the day which was largely sitting around drinking and eating with friends. To help out anyone who knows our friends and is wondering which ones, if I say we served them curry at 3pm and called it lunch and that seemed perfectly normal to them you'll know exactly who I mean. Anna once more obliged with her creme brûléeing. And Kittens were exploded.

Oh, and pre-lunch drinks and cachumbers (just including it as I learned a new word today) were had outside in the glorious sunshine.

It's been a pretty good Sunday and now we get to finish it off with The Night Manager which is real treat TV.

Lesley x

Ps - did I mention this time next week I'll be arriving back from Paris :-)

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