One madchickenwoman went out to play....

...upon a spiders web one day!
Awake early and since the valley was shrouded in mist decided to get out and about in it! Walked along by the river taking misty shots, listening to the birds, until I got to the curve where I set up my tripod and happily spent an hour catching ducks and a goose and a couple of canoeists appearing out of the mist! As I made my way home the sun finally lifted the mist and the countryside colours appeared in all their morning glory! Then I spotted this spiders web!Plus the rather gorgeous duck! 
Rest of the day was spent trying to whittle down and process the 739 photos I took yesterday!! I spent the day with Gilesey for her 50th birthday - her entry can be seen here - mine will be backblipped hopefully sometime tomorrow - doesn't look like I will get to the allotment to put in my potatoes, but as this gorgeous weather is set to continue there is always another day! 

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