Both Sides Now

By issybe

As it is the middle of July...

....and the hight of summer, we thought we would get up early, put or flipflops on and walk Chester round the lake before the midday heat starts to beam down.... go via the shop in the neighbouring village to buy a paper and return home to sit in the garden under the parasol, have refreshing melon and freshly baked croissants for breakfast, whilst reading the paper. Then potter about in the garden for a bit, before retiring inside for a midday siesta to avoid the worst of the heat. Fire up the BBQ around teatime and sit out with friends, enjoying a few cold beers, chatting until it gets dark.....

HOWEVER as we live in the North West of this rather beautiful but 'wet' island only elements of the above actually happened. We swapped flipflops for wellies, melon for hot porridge with blackberries, parasol for unbrella, cold beers for cups of tea and put the oven on instead of the BBQ

We still had a lovely day, although too much time was spent inside rather than out!

5 get ups until we break up... 14 get ups until we go in search of sunshine where we can really enjoy melon for breakfast outside, hide under parasoles and enjoy eating al fresco....

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