noble maggie

By maggiesays

A not-so-steamy (af)fair

Today we headed for the Cheshire Steam Fair. All those hissing, clanking, smoking machines, manned by interesting characters, usually make for a good photo opportunity or two. Pre-warned about the state of the car-park we parked in the village and walked up to the site, handed over our £10 entry fee and trudged in. This is the only access gate from the car-park field to the show site itself.
"Hang on," says I, as we reached the main arena, "There seems to be something missing!" Indeed there was - anything at all powered by steam.
Now BE is a very generous man, in so many ways, but he does resent being ripped off. The guy at the gate was only slightly begrudging about giving us our money back.
No-one is to blame for the weather and all these events that have to be called off or amended due to the conditions, and you have to feel very sorry for the organisers. But there will have been a lot of disappointed folk in that field today, who might have been alerted at the gate, before carrying small children and push-chairs through this mess.

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