The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Sun-day Mor-nin'...

I wasn't planning to start a blip journal today. Any more than I was planning to photograph my breakfast. Ater I'd been outside to feed the birds, while my porridge was cooking, and spotted this rose that needed to be looked after, I sat down to eat by the window. From there I can watch the birds and the cats in the trees pretending to be birds. Then came that Zen moment, the feeling of being in no rush, having all the hours in the day; time to enjoy, to savour; even to stop and photograph one's breakfast!

I know virtually nothing about photography, but would like to get a degree in breakfast! This is chunky porridge with some tangy chopped ginger in syrup, with a handful of toasted coconut for added texture. I may have a poorly developed sense of taste, because, to me, porridge doesn't taste of anything much, so it always needs adding to with layers of flavour and crunch.

Over the past two years, various friends and family members have joined Blipfoto, and so I've started to think it might be time for me, too. My partner,, is a regular contributor, as is my sister, TMLhereandthere, and it will be wonderful to be able to comment on their journals. Both are terrifyingly good at photography, whereas I am a point-and-shoot type of snapper, and have always dwelt too much in the world of words. Maybe this will change...

Additionally, this image reminds me of my sister's blip earlier this year,, which in turn harks back to our mother's table. Kitchen or dining room tables have whole histories to tell about the people who congregate round them, and leave their possessions there, perhaps because they are too important to be left anywhere else, or may be needed imminently. Our dining room table is at the heart of all our social activity. Long may it remain so!

P.S. I am a fan of the Velvet Underground, for those who got the reference

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