Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Look Up this was the start of my "I'm determined to post every day this week even though I'm traveling".
And the Mono Monday challenge was mentioned by a few people so I though I'd have a go for the first time ever.
I left my house at 7:45 and looked up all around me ...nothing.
Got to the airport and looked up - nothing captured my attention.
Thought I'd cheat a bit and look down from my window seat on the plane instead, but luck was against me and there was nothing but grey boring cloud today :(
Arrived at Copenhagen airport but had no time to find something there as I was about to miss my train.
I know, I thought.... there are a couple of nice buildings on the way to the hotel - perhaps they will fit the is so misty that you can't even see the top of them, and they are not very high.
So, as a last resort, I saw these lamp posts and thought they had enough contrast against the dull grey sky to stand out a bit.
iPhone in hand, I took a quick shot before the heavens opened and I made a run for the hotel.
Not the most successful start to a week, but at least it IS a start which is more than I managed last week!

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