Allotment, March

Missed a whole month, and more, out with the allotment sequence. The first shot of the year was in January so you can see the changes that have been made since that shot. We're all ready to go with planting out the pototoes next week and sowing a few hardy seeds like parsnip, broadbeans, carrots and beetroot.

The morning did not go entirely to plan. I went to a governors meeting at school for 9.30 and was expecting to go for a swim afterwards. The meeting went OK, but I couldn't get to the pool as the police had closed off the road leading to the gym owing to some sort of incident or accident. This caused long queues all around the area which I was fortunate not to get too much involved with.

Although the sun shone today, it was very cold in a bitter, blustery northerly wind. The shot, taken from the top of the dung heap. gives a deceptive impression of the weather.

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