I seldom go into our city centre but today I had to go to the Opera House to book tickets for the Russian ballet next month. I can't wait - we are starved of ballet in our town - we have to travel to Cape Town or Johannesburg most of the time.
I took a few photos of the surrounds and decided I need to come here more often as there is a wealth of photos waiting to be taken.
This is a mural, depicting the apartheid struggle, alongside a staircase leading up to the Donkin Memorial....or in this case looking down towards the Anglican Cathedral wedged in between the high rise buildings (my sister is assistant organist and member of the choir there)
I phoned my sister and stopped her practising the organ with an offer of coffee at a nearby coffee shop.....good to have a chat while looking at the view over the harbour (my extra photo, plus a close up of the staircase mural)
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