
By DancingAly


In my little room at the parents, my childhood home. 

It was another beautiful day today. Even the air smells different, somehow you can smell spring. 

I dread going back to school every day. Well, perhaps not everyday, but certainly on Mondays as yet again I haven't been able to move my personal life forwards very much at the weekend. I suppose it's a feeling of having little to look forward to.

I wasn't there much at all today. I had an appointment at the hospital for a thyroid scan before possibly having radioactive iodine therapy next week. I don't think I want to have it done.

I arrived late, thanks to being forced off the road by a van and then ending up going in the opposite direction. The hospital is huge, and it was at least a ten minute walk to the nuclear medicine department, hidden away in the depths of the ground floor.

I had something radioactive injected in my arm, and then had to wait for 20 minutes for it to absorb. Then I had to lie on the scan table, with a camera which was more like a huge grey board. It had to come about 2cm from my face, and it was for 20 minutes. I am a bit claustrophobic- who isn't? But I managed to close my eyes and try to nap rather than feel panicky because there was this huge thing only an inch from my face! 

Another trip back to the waiting room, and then a chat with the consultant. He was very nice, but I need to think about it. 

Finally got back to school at 2:30pm, and then it was pretty much the end of the day! 

So glad to get home. I feel drained doing this job. Ironic as I've hardly been there today, I just mean in general ;-)

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