Tiny tractor Tuesday...

The wind away round to the East today so the mist never really lifted ,and a lot cooler than yesterday.
Took advantage of the non raining status,and got 8 loads of slurry spread onto a stubble field behind the wood.Still a bit sticky,but should be able to get it ploughed soon. It is going back into barley so had to try and spread it evenly with no overlaps or the barley will lie down at harvest time if it gets too much.
Had to crawl along the road to try and minimize the amount of mud flung off the tyres each time. On the bright side I was able to annoy a whole different set of neighbours with the smell as the wind blowing in a different direction than normal !
Ewes still slow to lamb today.Hope the speed up a bit soon.
This is the 75Hp New Holland on the stirrer on the slurry store.You have to mix it up as a crust forms on the top of the slurry and if you pump all the liquid out you are left with a lot of solids at the end.

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