Return to the North

By Viking


What a day! 
Had a rough night with lots of wake ups for some bizarre reason - off the pills that might be the reason!
Got up with the intention of doing lots of things - most of which failed to get done.
had a message on my phone when I got up from a very good friend in the UK. Her son is getting married in July and I was going to head over for the wedding but the job situation has meant that is now all in jeopardy. The message was to say that L wanted me to come very much and so they would pay for my ticket! Was very moved by the offer - so much so had a little weep. I am truly blessed with friends. Two who are letting me live with them until I find a job (so that I could resign from my previous job) and now one who wants to pay for a flight to the other side of the world. I humbled and overwhelmed by their generosity and care. 
Mid morning I got a call from the neighbour to say G and I's water race was flooding her paddock and could we do something about it. G was out shopping and I was at work. 
when she returned we both ended up knee deep in water (her in wellies which were flooded immediately and me in jandals that kept disappearing in the mud and floating away!. God what a sight I was. jogging bottoms rolled up to the top of my thighs, long sleeved cotton shirt soaked as well as wet undies! We thought about taking selfies it was so funny but I decided Richie here was a better subject.
he is getting a wee bit braver nowadays and came over for a nuzzle when I went to the fence. He really is a sweetie.

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