Bon voyage!

The annual farewell as Matthew sets off for the summer season in France. This is his 11th year and looking at the way his car is loaded it's hard to imagine how he managed in the early days. First time he drove down rather than taking a coach it was him and Timmy in a Peugeot 105. They could barely see out of the windscreen the car was so full and on hills, they would slow down to a crawl. Now, he travels in relative luxury and carries 4 bikes, a kayak, TV stereo, more drink than is good for him and probably a change of underpants just in case.

Safe journey Matthew and try and keep in touch.

Chinese takeaway at Rachel's last night - Matthew's second farewell party and he turned up this time. Far too much food or I'm becoming a bit of a wimp because I left loads but then so did everyone else. Guess what I have for lunch today?

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