Lisa's life...

By lisa24270

Devil's Dyke Pylon Landscape

Kitchen fitting on pause for the rest of the week now so I can go and do some actual work but a man came today with a very big and sharp saw to cut a sink-shaped hole in a piece of granite. I held my breath while they moved it into place but now it has to settle. 

Stella and I had our now usual long walk around town this morning and then this afternoon decided to take blipper Valerie's advice about a Devil's Dyke walkies. I hadn't done any of it in the direction of Reach before so I was looking forward to it anyway but then we found 3 geocaches too which topped the afternoon well :) 

As it turned out we could've stayed out longer but I had a blog date planned to discuss health and wellbeing reviews. That got cancelled at the last minute so now I'm a bit overdressed to watch last night's telly and do some writing! 

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