Meet Rip

It's been an Incredibly full day and I'm having to back blip my image because I was dead on my feet by the time I returned from night 2 at the Penguins! Tonight I was on my own - We all had a fantastic experience last night and the little granddaughters were absolutely thrilled to see the penguins marching by only inches from their tiny noses. However tonight was just for me and I had the great privilege of witnessing the event in the company of one of the Rangers. When we arrived at the viewing platform the wind was gale force and I thought there's no way those little penguins will make it to the beach and beyond.

Well I couldn't have been more wrong! All of a sudden there was the first group. About 50 of them all popping out of the waves together. They huddled together and checked out the area for predators before hopping and skipping their way across the sand and rocks. The. Beach crossing is when they are most vulnerable. It truly is spine tingling stuff. After we had watched five groups arrive and cross the beach we headed back to the boardwalk to watch them toddle on by towards their burrows. Honestly, I cannot put into words the feeling inside as you observe the prescious little souls going about their business.

Now to Rip. Rip is a working dog who lives on Churchill Island which is virtually part of Phillip Island. Rip just couldn't wait to take his turn at rounding up the sheep - just one of the demonstrations that take place at the Heritage Farm. I will add a photo of Billy, a youngster who is still in training. All in all an amazing day!

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