Journey forward

By Popsicle

The Channel Beaten

The headline of The Northern Echo published on Monday 26 July 1909, one of a couple of this newspaper  publication that has been in our family archives for many years.
The article is transcribed below:

Frenchman first to succeed.
Monoplane Flight
From Calais to Dover in 23 minutes

M. Bleriot in his monoplane successfully crossed the Channel yesterday morning, having left Baraques, west of Calais shortly before 5 am and since dropped at Dover.
M. Bleriot accomplished the feat in 23 minutes. He left France at 4.30 am, and in a few minutes was in sight of Dover cliffs. He eventually descended onto Northfall meadow at the back of the castle at 4.53 am. A very strong wind prevailed at the time of the descent, making the feat all the more noteworthy.
A Reuter's message from Calais states that the news of M. Bleriot's triumph was received with cheers. The news surprised Mr. Latham, who burst into tears. He wanted to start, and his Antoinette was even brought out, but owing to the strong wind then prevailing he deferred his effort.

The article continues for 2 full columns on the stirring story of the great achievement, but is far too long to transcribe here. An interesting read.

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