Several months ago, as a seasoned Blipper, I had taken a photograph when I was out walking and decided that when I was stuck for an abstract, I would go back and take another one.

Today was such a day - and it being St. Patrick’s Day, I have “faffed” around with it, hence the green.

If you put your head on one side, you will see that this is a stairwell in a tall building - and I got some strange looks from people when taking the photograph, as you can imagine.  

I went into the library and then wandered around town for a while, but am now completely wiped out - so I think resting for a couple of hours is on the cards.  My friends will be surprised to hear that I didn’t even go in for a coffee but just wanted to get home.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to any Irish friends - and an Irish Blessing for all of you reading this:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall oft upon your fields, 
And until we meet (again)
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

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