Shona J

By Iana

Works Secret Santa...

Shopping today got that sorted. I just need to wrap the present. I don't quite know how I got landed with doing the secret Santa at work for the 2nd year & arranging the works Christmas lunch to.

Arranging the lunch can be quite difficult as the volunteers & paid staffs start this daft rivalry. I don't understand it at all we work so well together all year then the Christmas lunch starts to be discussed & war breaks out they arrange one & don't invite us we arrange one & they wont go. Then the paid staffs get the hump. There?s a few of us like me that is a volunteer & paid staff and it get so messy.

So the long & the short of it is I went round everyone & personally invited them getting ride of the daft rivalry & I have managed to include everyone, rivalry almost gone (there are some old hats that wont let go) but it's all sorted & everyone's happy.

Bring on the lunch I say :0)

Ps/ thanks for the assignment support from yesterday, I may need some idea from you now & again, but we will see how I get on :0)

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