Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Reservoir reflections...

...blip or chat?
I nipped round to the res with my camera at about 3.30 as there was no wind and I thought there might be some good reflections while the last of the good light held - and I was correct!
I was "fiddling" for the AYWMC course, tripod and all, as I'm all behind. I was hoping to get three quick shots with different manual settings for the exposure exercize. It was all looking ideal, I had my auto one in the bag and I was about to quickly alter things when a lone lady came along with a pair of binoculars, disposed to chat... By the time she'd toddled off several birds had disturbed the water, the reflections had gone and the light had changed.
I still managed to complete the mechanics of the exercize, and I understood what I was doing so all was not lost... and she seemed as though she needed a little distraction - so hey, what's a few ripples in the grand scheme of things?
Next - a wrestle with the histogram...

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