
By WilltheBruce

A lion roars

It's not often I venture to the banking capital of Europe but today I met my friend Kate who works at Canary Wharf

Sitting in the sun waiting for her to come down from her lofty office I spotted this magnificent creature

He's one of two who guard the main entrance to HSBC but the human guard was much more aggressive and suggested I move on after he saw me sitting on the lion's plinth.

I refused but before the security guard called for reinforcements, my gorgeous friend arrived and we left

I forgot that the whole of Canary Wharf is a private estate with very heavy, aggressive security. Maybe that's necessary and I was deemed a terror threat.

In today's heightened awareness everyone must be on edge. Not a pleasant not to end on. So I'll finish by saying how warm the sun was today but it's still very chilly out of its rays

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