Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Ardrishaig Heron

Very mixed day weatherwise, brilliant sunshine and torrential rain.
Met up with friends and went for a swim at Lochgilphead indoor pool . Very relaxing although I did my usual 20 lengths , however I have to admit no longer all in one go.

Then we headed in and around Lochgilphead looking for a cafe for refreshments, no chance, the only place open was the Indian restuarant which we really didn't fancy mid afternoon. What is it with the west of Scotland that so many places close early on a Sunday afternoon ? Thank goodness I'm not a tourist. I feel really sorry for them if this is the kind of hospitality they experience in our area.

So back down to Tarbert with our friends where we played a game of boules on the " new "boules court by the bay. A bit of a hit and miss game as there are so many small stones there it was a matter of luck getting near the jack as the boule bounced every which way when it hit a stone. Still it was a great laugh for all of us.

On the way home I blipped various sea birds , Tarbert Castle in the late evening sunlight and a view of the bay and Lochgilphead from Ardrishaig with the sunlight on the hills. Also forgot to mention the swan family which I blipped about a month ago. The cygnets ar thriving and have grown so much despite the mucky water.

It just had to be this heron which I spotted at Inverneil. I got a quick blip there, then we drove on and I spotted it landing below the rock garden at Ardrishaig. So again car stopped , out and down the steps to the wee garden where I had a fabulous , uninterrupted view of the heron which stood very proudly on the rocks below.

might just be worth a look if you have time, although it is a pity the loch was so grey, the blue sy and sunshine being on the other side of the loch.

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