Along the Beach to Westhaven

7.0C starting wet and dull. Clearing through the morning. Cloudy but not dull. Zephyr.

Maeve and I went for a walk after lunch. Capercaillie on the Nano (The Blood is Strong and Delirium). We went up to the church then continued out along the country road to Scryne. We turned right at Craigmill farm and went down the track to the shore road. No sign of the farmer today although I could hear the tractor somewhere out of sight.

We crossed over the shore road and went down the little private road and over the level crossing on the Easthaven side of the burn and down to the beach. Even where it spread out to cross the beach the burn was a bit deeper than I had hoped it would be. I took Maeve's lead off and ran through the shallowest part of the water. A few splashes but otherwise not soaked and no water in the walking shoes. Maeve followed me across at a suitably slow Maeve type speed. We wandered along the beach to Westhaven. The tide was still quite far out. We didn't see anyone else on the beach.

We came up off the beach at the fishermen's huts and came back along East Row. We crossed back over the road bridge and carried on round in a loop heading into Carnoustie and up the main road before turning along for home. As we walked up the main road a lady police officer walked across the road, notebook in hand. I could see she wanted to ask me something so I took out the Nano earbuds and stopped. Turns out a lady in a nearby house had reported her guide dog puppy missing. Either escaped from the garden or possibly taken. I think the former. I happily told the officer my walking route in detail with all the roads that I had walked along or had been able to see along and that I hadn't seen the puppy or anyone with one. She thanked me and walked off in the opposite direction to our route. I kept a lookout the rest of the way home, but no puppy. Just two other dog walkers too far away to ask them to look out for the puppy.

DMC-LX7 f/2.8 1/500 sec. ISO-80 7mm (35mm focal length 37mm)

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