
By gabbahey

Cheers Scobes!

The ever lovely Scobes let me have a wee look at a study Mrs Scobes/Nancy was doing at uni about peoples attitudes towards tattooed people. It made interesting reading and I wasn't all that surprised at the some of the findings. Including one that said that in the past people who were tattooed were though to be more likely to attend A&E, belong to a gang or be involved in crime. I'm well aware tattoos aren't for everyone but come on!

Excuse the monumentally rubbish picture - Marcus is no Ansel Adams but by God can he tattoo!! This piece is no where near completion but after 3 hours my pain threshold waved goodbye. I'll try and squeeze another few hours in before Christmas though - the design itself is based on paintings done by the most amazing artist, Silvia Ji.

Anyway I must dash I need to go hang out with my gang...


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