Me? A gym-rat? Seems unlikely....
Inspired by Sue, who has always been extremely fit; and by WalkingMarj, Earthdreamer, and JamJar, who encourage us all with their fitness exploits, I have finally joined a gym. I’ve been seeing Sue’s son, who is a fitness trainer, for three years now, but he has always maintained that once a week is not enough and I should add something to my fitness routine. My “assessment” session at the gym was this morning, and while I was waiting for the assessor, I watched the water aerobics class and enjoyed the play of light through the windows, the distant skyscrapers, the beauty of it all. I could do that.
My assessor was a bright, funny, good-humored woman of about twenty-five, with well-sculpted abs, arms like Michelle Obama, and quads of steel. Using a gadget I was instructed to hold, she informed me that my body is about 40% fat (embarrassing) but she got this figure through some complicated math--it was NOT that my BMI is 40%. Whatever the figure means, she said ideal for me would be 32%. Anyway, while my lower body strength is “beyond excellent,” and my cardio fitness is above average for my age, my upper body strength is, well, non-existent would be a kind term. One might say pathetic. Trying my hardest, I was able to do about two and a half semi-push-ups without collapsing. So then my assessor gave me an upper body workout, and you would not believe the quivering, quaking, shaking mess I quickly became. Now I am all jelly from the waist up, and I don't know if I will be able to feed myself. (Slight hyperbole, but there is a grain of truth in it.)
I think I will try that water aerobics class and a yoga class, but whether I will actually attempt the agonizing upper body workout she says I need most to yet to be revealed.
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