
Tried to drop Little miss bossy at school (on the way to torment my tax accountants with report writing) the traffic by the school was chaotic, so she had to walk the last part as I gave up & turned around - turns out the Abi kids were stopping cars from passing in front of the school until they paid the toll, they made 100-200€...

In the afternoon I seemed to play host to maybe 30 or so of the Abi kids, they brought the beers & the wurst to bbq, I provided somewhere warmer than the riverbank for them to play loud music and shout at each other...Logan was ecstatic, people to give him love and their castoff food.

And my evening was spent at a version of a tupperware party, except it wasn't tupperware we were handling...and it had to be done by skype 'cos the party hostess was ill...

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