My World - So soft....

By driftndream

One Extraordinary Day

I was going to spend the day in the garden but I'm SO pleased I decided to go up to London in search of Elizabeth Streb's Surprises.

There were seven pop-up performances around Westminster and this was in Paternoster Square. I missed the Sky Walk on City Hall but found this one and later Ascension and the Human Fountain in Trafalgar Square.

The dancers were amazing and it was a rare sunny day with a great atmosphere.

This is what @MoLpresents promised us:

"Watch out, as one day in July, Brooklyn's visionary choreographer Elizabeth Streb and her team of 'action heroes' will thrill London with a stunning series of daredevil feats that push the human body to the limits.

For one extraordinary day these performances will stretch the limits of the human body's capabilities with moves that are at once implausible, beautiful and brave.

Somewhere between free-running and dance, gymnastics and circus, Streb's company create electrifying, high-octane shows that leave spectators dumbstruck."

They certainly didn't disappoint!

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